鸟的故事 A Bird Story for Mac v1.0( 中文原生版
👍 自闭症儿童的孤独故事。
去月球 To The Moon for Mac v11.12.2018 中文原生版
寻找天堂 Finding Paradise for Mac v1.2c 英文原生版
影子工厂 Impostor Factory for Mac v1.0 中文原生版
“…a small, simple, but incredibly affecting story that showcases the power of the ability to encourage empathy through the most basic expressions of humanity and imagination.”
“Genuinely funny and heartfelt moments take place throughout, all working seamlessly together to create a commentary on the importance of friendships and the pain inherent in letting go.”
“I guess the music’s nice-ish, but it sounds kinda ripped off from To the Moon…”
-Developer’s Aunt
- 一段没有对话的在故事里遨游的经历。
- 这是一个由冒险游戏和经典的 RPG 元素混合起来的游戏。
- 有着针对这个故事的优美原声配乐。
- 这是一个像享受咖啡感觉不到时间流逝的游戏。